Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

The Rich Man and Lazarus

5 Mar 2023

There is no bridge from hell to heaven. Once this life comes to an end, it is too late to repent of sin and look to Christ for mercy. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke by examining one of Jesus' most sobering...

The Nature of Sin

4 Mar 2023

When God created the world, He called it good. But when we look around today, it's clear that something has gone terribly wrong in creation. What happened? Today, R.C. Sproul identifies sin as the source of the pain suffering in the world. Get the...

What Is Free Will?

3 Mar 2023

People have many ideas about what "free will" means. What does God's Word teach? Today, R.C. Sproul helps us rightly understand the way that God's sovereignty relates to human choices. Get R.C. Sproul's 'Chosen by God' Teaching Series on DV...

God’s Sovereignty

2 Mar 2023

God is the King of creation. But just how sovereign is He? How far does His control extend over our lives? Today, R.C. Sproul helps us understand God's absolute and perfect sovereignty. Get R.C. Sproul's 'Chosen by God' Teaching Series on DVD with th...

Everyone Believes This Doctrine

1 Mar 2023

Since "predestination" is a biblical word, every student of Scripture must seek to understand what the Bible means by this term. Today, R.C. Sproul discusses the controversial yet important subject of election. Beginning today, you'll also...

The Trauma of Holiness

28 Feb 2023

When we are confronted by the utter perfection of God's holiness, we finally see ourselves for who we really are. Today, R.C. Sproul reveals why an encounter with the holy is a traumatic experience to sinful people. The longtime host of Renewing Your...

A Decade of Memories

27 Feb 2023

Over the last ten years, listeners of Renewing Your Mind have been greeted each day by the friendly voice of Lee Webb. Today, Chris Larson and Nathan W. Bingham join Lee as he announces his retirement as host, shares favorite memories from his...

Pressing into the Kingdom

26 Feb 2023

The kingdom of God demands more than a casual, half-hearted pursuit. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Luke, calling on us to devote ourselves earnestly to the Word and the work of the Lord. Get R.C. Sproul's Expositional.....

The Creation of Man

25 Feb 2023

According to one popular theory, human beings are mere accidents who emerged from the slime and evolved into our current state. Today, R.C. Sproul critiques this view and reminds us that we are much more than "grown-up germs." Get the 'Foun...

Developing Theology

24 Feb 2023

What is a saint? Are all Christians saints, or only those who are the most devoted? Today, W. Robert Godfrey considers the biblical definition of this term and how it would gradually become distorted by the Roman Catholic Church. Get this Overview of...

Pioneering Theologian: Origen

23 Feb 2023

When divorced from Scripture, even well-meaning efforts to understand the world will fall short. Today, W. Robert Godfrey considers some of the speculative theology of Origen. Get this Overview of Church History on DVD for a Gift of Any Amount: Don'...

Defending the Faith

22 Feb 2023

Heresies are rarely new. They often repeat the same rebellious worldviews from earlier eras. Today, W. Robert Godfrey examines some ancient heresies, their modern counterparts, and the church's well-reasoned defenses against them. Get this Overview o...

Expansion of the Church

21 Feb 2023

As the gospel spread beyond its Jewish context, new challenges began to arise for the church. Today, W. Robert Godfrey explains how the early Christians defended their faith throughout the wider Greco-Roman world. Get this Overview of Church History....

Why Church History?

20 Feb 2023

The history of the church has shaped who we are as Christians today. The more we understand it, the more we understand ourselves. Today, W. Robert Godfrey explains why church history matters. Get this Overview of Church History on DVD for a Gift of.....

The Parable of the Unjust Steward

19 Feb 2023

When we manage our earthly goods poorly, we're not merely wasting our possessions. Ultimately, we are robbing God Himself. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke, calling us to be responsible and generous with the...