Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Another Helper

18 Jun 2024

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus promised His disciples that He would ask the Father to give them "another Helper" (John 14:16). Today, Sinclair Ferguson tells us what this title for the Holy Spirit reveals about Him. Read the tra...

Knowing the Holy Spirit

17 Jun 2024

Often when people talk about the Holy Spirit, their attention focuses on the gifts and blessings He bears in our lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson challenges us to get to know the Spirit who is at work in us. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

Reconciliation in Christ

14 Jun 2024

The disintegration of relationships in this world is rooted ultimately in our alienation from a holy God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the reconciliation that Christ has accomplished to bring us peace and new life. Read the transcript: A...

Redemption through His Blood

13 Jun 2024

By nature, we are slaves to sin who need to be redeemed. But the good news is this: Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, has purchased His people with His own blood. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the freedom found in Christ alone. Read the transcript: A.....

God Justifies the Ungodly

12 Jun 2024

We can never be more justified than when we came to faith in Jesus--nor any less--for it is Christ's righteousness and not our own that makes us right in God's sight. Today, Sinclair Ferguson displays the wonder of the gospel. Read the transcript: A...

The Propitiation for Our Sins

11 Jun 2024

We all deserve the wrath of God for our sin. But in the wonder of God's mercy and the terror of His justice, Christ was crushed in place of His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the crucial work of Christ's propitiation. Read the transcript:...

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

10 Jun 2024

We cannot separate the blessings of salvation from the One in whom they are found and experienced, Jesus Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the interconnected way we should think about the person and work of Christ. Read the transcript: A...

One Person, Two Natures

7 Jun 2024

We must not think of Christ's incarnation as a mixture: partially of God and partially of man. Nor should we imagine that He is two persons. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us why getting our Christology right is so important. Read the transcript:...

Co-Essential with the Father

6 Jun 2024

It isn't theoretical musing that drives us to understand the two natures of Christ in His incarnation. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains that only Jesus can qualify to be our Savior since He is both God and Man. Read the transcript: A donor-supporte...

Truly God and Truly Man

5 Jun 2024

It is a marvel beyond our ability to fully comprehend: the eternal Son of God took on a human nature for our salvation. Today, Sinclair Ferguson draws from the Definition of Chalcedon to consider the two natures of Christ. Read the transcript: A...

The Person of the Son

4 Jun 2024

If we are to give our minds to reflecting on Christ with wonder and worship, we first need to fill our minds with the truth about Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson helps us focus on the divine personhood of the Son of God. Read the transcript: A...

Thinking about Jesus

3 Jun 2024

As people constantly bombarded with fragments of information, we can find it difficult to focus our thoughts on what is most important. Today, Sinclair Ferguson provides a framework for thinking clearly about Jesus Christ. Read the transcript: A...

Consecrated to God

31 May 2024

We see the holiness of Christ not only in His separation from sin but also in His loving devotion to His Father and His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels that we are consecrated to enjoy the perfect love of the triune God. Read the transcript:...

Dwelling in Eternal Light

30 May 2024

Although the seraphim have never sinned, they cover their faces as they worship in the presence of God. Today on the Things Unseen podcast, listen as Sinclair Ferguson considers what this scene reveals about the uncreated holiness of our majestic...

The Thrice-Holy One

29 May 2024

What do we mean when we talk about the holiness of God? Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the characteristic of God that may be most difficult for us to understand and yet is so essential to knowing who He is. Read the transcript: A...