Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Dominion Regained

7 May 2024

Jesus is no ordinary king: He sits on the throne of heaven and earth. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows the connection between Adam's loss of dominion and Christ's ascension to the Father's right hand. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...

He Ascended into Heaven

6 May 2024

When Jesus had completed all the work on earth that the Father had given Him, Christ ascended into heavenly glory. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to explain the significance of our Lord's ascension for our lives as Christians. Read the transcript:...

Looking to Our Loving Father

3 May 2024

The devil's deceptions can be so enduring that many Christians doubt whether God truly is their kind and generous Father in heaven. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the advice of John Owen to "eye the Father as love." Read the transcript:...

The Deceiver’s Great Lie

2 May 2024

Satan's hatred of God is so great that he desires the image-bearers of God to hate Him too. Today, Sinclair Ferguson pinpoints the fundamental lie that the devil purveys in order to stifle our love for the Lord. Read the transcript: A donor-supporte...

The Enemy of Our Souls

1 May 2024

Satan bears many names and titles: adversary, accuser, and destroyer. But why is he against us as our enemy? Today, Sinclair Ferguson addresses the hatred that drives the devil and his schemes. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...

The Strategies of Satan

30 Apr 2024

Eve was the first person deceived by Satan, but she would not be the last. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies common tactics our enemy uses against the people of God, helping us be prepared for when temptation comes. Read the transcript: A...

The Tragedy of the Fall

29 Apr 2024

Although God created all things good, we live in a world that is not as it should be. What happened? Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes several lessons from the Bible's teaching about the fall of humanity into sin. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

Lead Us Not into Temptation

26 Apr 2024

Jesus knows how fierce our battle with temptation can be. Today, Sinclair Ferguson contemplates how the Lord's Prayer equips us, in light of Christ's triumph, to withstand the world, the flesh, and the devil. Read the transcript: A donor-supported.....

Forgive Us Our Debts

25 Apr 2024

The Lord's Prayer daily reminds us that we need more than strength to do better--we need God's mercy and forgiveness. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the freedom from guilt and resentment into which this prayer invites us. Read the transcript: A....

Our Daily Bread

24 Apr 2024

Jesus teaches us to pray for our basic needs. Praying that way can both simplify and sanctify our lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers how the Lord's Prayer directs us to ask God for strength to honor Him and do His will. Read the transcript: A...

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

23 Apr 2024

Since the Lord's Prayer has been given to shape our praying, it also shapes our living as disciples of Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses what it means for God's kingdom and His will to be established in our lives. Read the transcript: A...

Our Father in Heaven

22 Apr 2024

Jesus taught His disciples to address God as He did: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name" (Matt. 6:9). Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the Lord's Prayer and the precious gift we have in calling on God as Father. Read the trans...

Worthy Is the Lamb

19 Apr 2024

After long ages of conflict for the people of God, Jesus Christ arrived to fulfill Genesis 3:15 in His conquest of Satan. Today, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to join with all the redeemed in exalting our triumphant Savior. Read the transcript: A...

The Blessing of Abraham

18 Apr 2024

God promised Abraham that in his seed, "all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3). Today, Sinclair Ferguson explores how Jesus Christ fulfills this blessing in the salvation of Jewish and gentile believers. Read the transc...

He Will Give Us Rest

17 Apr 2024

Lamech spoke hopefully of his son Noah, "Out of the ground that the LORD has cursed, this one shall bring us relief" (5:20). Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains that the true rest pictured in Noah would be provided in Christ. Read the transcr...