Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

The Simplicity of God

28 May 2024

God is not made up of separate parts, such as wisdom, power, and holiness. All of His attributes are simply who He is in His essence. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the marvelous doctrine of divine simplicity. Read the transcript: A...

Knowing God

27 May 2024

Let us never forget the breathtaking privilege and wonder of knowing God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies the first lesson we must learn when thinking about our Creator: humility. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier...

The Glory of Pentecost

24 May 2024

In the old covenant, God revealed Himself through prophets, priests, and kings. But this changed with the coming of Christ and the outpouring of the Spirit. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains why Pentecost is worth celebrating. Read the transcript: A...

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

23 May 2024

At Pentecost, the same Holy Spirit who had empowered the life and ministry of Jesus was now poured out upon the church. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how this great gift fulfilled one of Christ's promises to His disciples. Read the transcript: A...

Welcome to the Last Days

22 May 2024

The day of Pentecost was a visible sign from God that world history has entered a new era. Today, Sinclair Ferguson provides the Bible's answer to that all-too-common question: Are we living in the last days? Read the transcript: A donor-supported.....

Seeing through the Lens of Scripture

21 May 2024

In Peter's Pentecost sermon, we hear a man whose mind has been renewed: he now sees all things through the lens of Scripture. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers how this change in Peter calls for a change in our own thinking. Read the transcript: A....

What Was Pentecost All About?

20 May 2024

We might naturally think the day of Pentecost is all about the Holy Spirit. Yet Peter's sermon in Acts 2 focuses ultimately on Jesus. Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes principles from this passage to help us read all of Scripture. Read the transcript:...

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

17 May 2024

The New Testament regularly describes our redemption in Trinitarian terms. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows that knowing the work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in salvation can enrich our worship of the triune God. Read the transcript: A...

What Jesus Taught about the Trinity

16 May 2024

Some Christians wonder if the Trinity is an impractical doctrine. Yet Jesus devoted some of His most important hours with the disciples to teaching this truth. Today, Sinclair Ferguson focuses on Jesus' words in the upper room. Read the transcript:...

Baptized into the Triune Name

15 May 2024

In baptism, we are named for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, claimed by the triune God to live in His family. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains what baptism teaches Christians about our fellowship with the Trinity. Read the transcript: A...

The Triune God of Love

14 May 2024

By His very nature, God is love (1 John 4:8). But what--or whom--was He loving before He created the world? Today, Sinclair Ferguson delights in the eternal love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

Knowing the Trinity

13 May 2024

What difference does the doctrine of the Trinity make in our lives? Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to unfold the significance of knowing God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries....

He Must Reign

10 May 2024

When we become Christians, we come under the lordship of Christ. Today, Sinclair Ferguson exhorts us to lift our eyes to our heavenly King, who is subduing all things to Himself. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries...

Interceding from Heaven

9 May 2024

Satan, the world, and our own flesh may condemn us, but we have a Great High Priest in heaven who is interceding on our behalf. Today, Sinclair Ferguson comes to one of the most encouraging verses in the Bible. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

The Heavenly Ministry of Christ

8 May 2024

What has Jesus been doing since His ascension into heaven? And what is He doing right now? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the ongoing prophetic ministry of Christ as His Word is read and preached. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach....