Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

God’s Eternal Love

13 Feb 2024

Our love is bound by time--there's a moment when it begins. But God's love is different. Today, R.C. Sproul explains that we experience God's redeeming love by being included in the eternal love that the Father has for His Son. Get R.C. Sproul's...

God Is Love

12 Feb 2024

People have many ideas about what it means for God to be loving, but not all those ideas are accurate. Today, R.C. Sproul helps us avoid common misconceptions so we can better understand the Bible's teaching that "God is love." Get R.C. Spr...

Lord of the Sabbath

11 Feb 2024

The Sabbath was meant to be God's gift to mankind, but the Pharisees turned it into a burden by their rules and regulations. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Mark, examining what Jesus' response teaches us about the...


10 Feb 2024

Few philosophies in the history of civilization have promised more and produced less than Marxism. Today, R.C. Sproul considers the disastrous effects of Karl Marx's attempts to overthrow the religious and economic foundations of the Western world......

Heralding the Truth of God: Ligonier's Outreach

9 Feb 2024

The biblical teaching of Reformed theology revolutionizes the way we think about God and the way we live. Today, Burk Parsons joins Nathan W. Bingham to discuss how the Lord is using Ligonier Ministries to equip people worldwide with this...

The Angel of the Lord

8 Feb 2024

Jesus is the visible manifestation of the eternal glory of God. Today, R.C. Sproul shows how this truth is demonstrated in Scripture long before the incarnation of Christ. Get the 'Moses and the Burning Bush' Teaching Series and Book for Your Gift of...

A Consuming Fire

7 Feb 2024

The burning bush wasn't the first time God revealed His glory in the appearance of brilliant flames. Nor would it be the last. Today, R.C. Sproul visits several passages in Scripture to discuss what this radiant glory ultimately reveals about Jesus.....

The Burning Bush

6 Feb 2024

While tending to his flocks, Moses was awestruck by a bush that burned but was not consumed. Then he heard a voice from the midst of the flames. Today, R.C. Sproul draws us into this significant encounter in redemptive history. Get the 'Moses and the...

The Invisible Hand of God

5 Feb 2024

To crush the growing threat of the Jews, Pharaoh sought to destroy all the Hebrew baby boys in Egypt. Today, R.C. Sproul analyzes how God used this evil edict to preserve the life of Moses and prepare him for his future ministry. Get the 'Moses and.....

New Wine Skins

4 Feb 2024

No one can receive Christ without being made new. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of Mark's gospel, explaining that it is impossible simply to add Jesus to our lives and otherwise remain unchanged. Get R.C. Sproul's Expositional Commentar...


3 Feb 2024

Is it possible for God to become more glorious or perfect than He already is? Today, R.C. Sproul interacts with the dialectical ideas that G.W.F. Hegel had about God and history, ideas that greatly influenced 19th-century thought. Get R.C. Sproul's.....

Paul’s Conversion and Calling

2 Feb 2024

Paul was on his way to Damascus to apprehend Christians fleeing from persecution. Little did he realize that the Lord had been shaping his entire life for this decisive moment. Today, Guy Waters considers Paul's conversion. Get 'The Life and Theology...

The Golden Chain

1 Feb 2024

The Lord's redemptive work in our lives does not begin at our conversion. Today, Derek Thomas describes the unbreakable sequence of God's gracious dealings toward His people from election to glorification. Get the 'Romans 8' DVD Series and 'How the.....

Putting Sin to Death

31 Jan 2024

In this fallen world, Christians will continue to struggle with sin. Today, Derek Thomas teaches that our victory in the ongoing war against our indwelling sin is found in the Holy Spirit who indwells every believer. Get the 'Romans 8' DVD Series and...

A New Mind-Set

30 Jan 2024

The grace of God in our lives should transform the way that we think and the way that we look at the world. Today, Derek Thomas describes the new mind-set that the Holy Spirit develops within Christians. Get the 'Romans 8' DVD Series and 'How the...